
Anxiety and Building Self Esteem 

Many people with anxiety also struggle with their self esteem. Mental disorders make it difficult to view oneself positively and so it’s harder to naturally build self esteem. Instead, you need to find ways to actively build your self esteem. 

Meditation and Reflection 

In order to begin building your self esteem, you need to take some time to understand yourself a little better. Meditation is a great way to center yourself and focus your mind. When you meditate, you clear your mind and concentrate on the present moment. As you continue this practice, it helps you to be more present and mindful which allows you to better reflect on yourself. In addition to meditation, it’s helpful to look at your life as a whole and reflect on how your experiences have shaped you and who you are as a person. When you get to know yourself better, you can work on building your self esteem.

Treat Yourself 

Another way to build your self esteem is by showing yourself that you are worth effort. You are deserving of love and attention. To demonstrate this, you should treat yourself on a regular basis. This can look any way you want it. You could take yourself out to eat or you can buy yourself something you want. Treating yourself could be taking a day off from work or spending the weekend pampering yourself. Give yourself special attention to help you get used to being loved. Your self esteem and self worth does not need to come from other people. In fact, it’s best if it starts with you. Show yourself love because you deserve it. 

Ask for Help and Support 

While there is a lot you can do on your own to build your self esteem, it’s not something you need to do all alone. Having a support system is an important part of life and it is especially helpful when you’re struggling. As you work on building your self esteem, reach out to people who care about you. Ask them for advice and for strategies to help you improve your self esteem. If you need it, you can even ask them what they love about you and why you matter to them. These reminders can help you feel more confident and they are extremely helpful for individuals who struggle with anxiety. 

Anxiety can already present many barriers in your life. Diminishing your self esteem doesn’t need to be one of them. Find strategies that help you to build your self esteem and self confidence. 

To further help you overcome the challenges of anxiety, consider whether TMS therapy would be helpful to you. 


Dealing with Depression and Loneliness 

When you are struggling with depression, it can be far more difficult to deal with other negative emotions such as loneliness. It’s normal to feel lonely at times, but certain events, holidays, etc. can increase feelings of loneliness. Understanding how to deal with loneliness while also struggling with depression can help make these moments easier. 


One way to help you manage your loneliness is to expose yourself to more people. Volunteering is an opportunity for you to spend more time around others while also giving you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. There are many different ways you can volunteer. You can work at a soup kitchen or a shelter. You can volunteer at a hospital or a school. Find a place where you can feel happy and useful. When you volunteer, make sure you take some time to talk with others and interact. You may find it most helpful to strike up a conversation with someone else who feels lonely. Doing so can make you and them feel happier. 

Spend Time with Animals 

There’s a reason animals, especially dogs, are used for therapy. Animals provide comfort and companionship. Dogs, for example, are very lively and affectionate animals. They love to play and snuggle which gives you plenty of attention and it vastly improves your mood. In order to get some time with animals, you can volunteer at an animal shelter. If you know someone who has animals, you can ask to visit for a while. Of course, you can also offer to pet sit for your friends and families. If you need, you could also adopt your own pet so you can have constant comfort and companionship.

Get Out of the House 

You feel most lonely when you stay cooped up in your home. This environment makes it far too easy to get bogged down with negative feelings that can only exacerbate your loneliness. To ease your loneliness, it is a good idea to simply spend time outside of your home. Go for a walk. Run some errands. Wander around the mall. Simply leaving your house can help you leave negative feelings behind and it can give you the motivation to do more. If you choose, you could also invite a friend to go out and do something with you.

Loneliness is perfectly natural and more common than people realize. It’s important to find ways to help you cope with loneliness. This is especially true if you have depression or other mental health disorders. 

Learn more about how depression can affect you. 


Foods that Help Fight Depression 

The food you eat can have a major impact on both your physical and mental health. If you struggle with depression and you’re looking for non-medication forms of treatment, you should consider your diet. Including certain foods can help you to better treat your depression. 

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

While depression is a mental disorder, there are physiological processes that contribute to it. Studies have shown that inflammation plays a big role in depression. Including more anti-inflammatory foods in your diet can help you to physically manage your depression. Nutrient dense foods are good for fighting inflammation. One of the best options is leafy greens. These greens have many vitamins in them and are best for fighting inflammation. You can also include many other vegetables and fruits in your diet along with nuts and seeds. 


Many illnesses are impacted by free radicals in the body. Removing these free radicals can help many conditions including depression. Antioxidant foods are a great way to fight these free radicals. Antioxidants can also help to fix the cells in your body. There are many antioxidant foods you can include in your diet. Berries, like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries, are a great source of antioxidants. You can also get antioxidants from a variety of fruits and vegetables. 

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial to your body in many different ways. They make up part of the cells in your body and they also play a major role in reducing inflammation. So, eating more omega-3 fatty acids can help you get more than just one benefit. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids help to give you more energy. This can be especially beneficial to people who struggle with depression. Often, you may feel tired or low energy, and having these omega-3 fatty acids can help give you a boost throughout your day. Omega-3 fatty acids are commonly found in most types of fish including salmon and herring. If fish isn’t your favorite, you can also get omega-3 fatty acids from a variety of nuts and seeds. 

Changing up your diet can help you improve your depression symptoms. You can focus on foods that specifically address depression or you can improve your diet with the goal of improving your health over all. This can help your body function better and it can improve your self-image. 

Learn more about different treatment options for depression. 


Best Exercises for Depression 

Many people search for a way to manage their depression without the use of medication. Exercise is a great way to release endorphins and naturally address your depression. There are actually certain exercises that are best suited for this. 

Walking & Running

Any variation of walking, running, jogging, etc. can be beneficial in helping you manage your depression. These types of exercise get your heart pumping and increase your breathing, which is what leads to your brain releasing endorphins. The repetitive motion can also benefit you mentally. Walking/running can have similar effects to meditation because you are doing the same action over and over. This allows your thoughts to flow seamlessly in and out of your mind and it can be a great way for you to process emotions. Additionally, walking/running can help release any mental tension you may be experiencing. As you add this type of exercise to your routine, consider what works best for you. If going out for a jog isn’t appealing, then a brisk walk can be a great place to start. 

Weight Lifting

Studies have shown that weight lifting can lead to an improvement in depression symptoms. There are many ways that weight lifting can do this. When you weight lift, you are improving the strength of your body. This can help you function better in your daily life which can in turn improve your outlook on your circumstances. Over time, weight lifting can also help to improve your physical appearance. When this happens, it can help to improve your overall body image. It’s important that you don’t try to rush these results or expect them too soon. It takes time, but this can give you the opportunity to have a goal to work towards which also helps improve your depression. 


When struggling with depression, it can be very beneficial to find ways to relax your body. Yoga is a great form of exercise that allows you to get your body moving and improve your fitness while also calming and centering your mind. While doing yoga, you focus on deliberate movements and consistent breathing. Much like walking/running, these movements can help to clear your mind and allow you to focus on one thought at a time. 

Exercise is beneficial to you in many ways, but the mental benefits are often overlooked. It’s worth it to add some form of exercise to your routine in order to address your depression. Start by finding something that suits you. 

Learn more about depression and how to manage it.


Types of Relief for Treatment-Resistant Depression 

Not everyone with depression will go through the exact same experiences. There are many different kinds of depression and some can be more difficult to treat. Treatment-resistant depression is any kind of depression that is not improved with antidepressant medication. For individuals with this type of depression, it’s important to seek out other types of relief. 

Light Therapy 

Many people will use light therapy if they are suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as seasonal depression. However, light therapy can also be helpful in treating treatment-resistant depression. With light therapy, you will sit in front of an artificial light source for an extended period of time. When you do light therapy, the light helps to balance your serotonin levels and regulate your internal clock which helps improve sleep. Light therapy is also helpful for keeping you more alert and awake. With light therapy, you simply need to purchase a light box which you can use at home at any time. 


Acupuncture is a treatment used in traditional Chinese medicine. It has been used to treat a variety of ailments and has slowly been making its way into Western medicine. With acupuncture, thin needles are inserted at certain points in the body. These needles are intended to balance out the energy in your body. Acupuncture has begun to be used for treating depression. Overall, it appears to reduce the severity of depression over an extended period of time and it can also help to treat some of the symptoms of depression. For example, if you have severe migraines along with your depression then acupuncture can help treat these migraines and make them less frequent. 

TMS Therapy 

TMS therapy is a positive option for a variety of reasons. One of its main draws is the fact that it is a viable alternative to medication. It is also a non-invasive treatment that can lead to long lasting results. When you undergo TMS therapy, electromagnetic coils are used to stimulate the mood center of your brain. It takes repeated treatments, but it has proven to have very beneficial results. Often, TMS therapy is the best option for anyone with treatment-resistant depression. 


If taking antidepressants doesn’t work for you and your doctor has already tried various treatments, it’s time for you to find relief elsewhere. You shouldn’t have to suffer just because your body doesn’t respond to medication the way others do. 


Learn more and see if TMS Therapy is right for you. 


How to Handle Depression Without Medication 

Many people choose to treat their depression without any kind of medication. If this is the option you’ve chosen, then you should take some time to explore the different treatments you can use. 

Natural Remedies

To begin with, you can look into natural remedies and healthy habits that will help you improve your symptoms and help you manage your depression. A healthy diet is a great place to start. Eating a diet rich in whole foods, like fruits and vegetables, can ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need in order to function. Additionally, you may want to find ways to include exercise in your schedule. It doesn’t need to be a lot of time. Even small amounts of exercise (about 30 minutes a day) can help release endorphins and raise your energy levels. Finally, you should find ways to improve your overall sleep quality. Creating a good nightly routine and finding ways to make your room more conducive to sleep can help you get all the sleep you need.

TMS Therapy

One of the most effective ways to treat your depression without medication is through TMS therapy. TMS therapy is a non-invasive treatment that can drastically improve your symptoms over several repeated treatments. When you perform TMS treatment, you will wear a helmet with electromagnetic coils. These magnets will stimulate the mood center of your brain in order to improve your depression. Overall, this is a very safe treatment and the improvements you will see often have long lasting effects. It is worth exploring this option. 

Stress Management 

Often, depression symptoms can worsen under a lot of stress. If you want to improve your depression, you should look into ways you can reduce your overall stress. To begin, you should try to understand what your main triggers are and what your primary sources of stress are. Learning to identify your stresses is an important first step. Next, you need to find ways to manage your stress. You can’t always simply remove stress. Instead, you need to learn how to handle it. Breathing exercises, meditation, practicing gratitude, and finding a good outlet are all ways you can manage your stress. 

There are many different options for managing your depression without medication. What’s important is finding methods that work well for you. Take some time to explore all of your options. 

Learn more about TMS Therapy to see if it will benefit you.


Depression and Goal Setting

When struggling with depression, it can be difficult to find motivation to do anything. However, even small achievements can be beneficial and elevate your mood. Practicing goal setting is a great way to help you find more motivation and make some progress.

Give Yourself Something to Work Towards

Depression can often lead you to feel like you’re stuck and it’s easy to get used to that. When you’re feeling stuck, you eventually need to find a way to start moving forward again. It doesn’t need to happen all at once, but you should begin finding ways to get moving. The main benefit of goal setting is it gives you something to work towards. When you make goals for yourself, you create a plan for your life. This doesn’t need to be a highly structured plan, but even having one thing to work towards can help you find more motivation and happiness in your life. 

Set Small Goals 

When people set goals, they often go a little over the top. They are so excited to set goals for themselves that they tend to create unrealistic goals. With these types of goals, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and like you aren’t capable of achieving anything. This is why you should start with small goals. To help you feel motivated, you just need to achieve something small. Start off by making the goal to eat breakfast everyday or to make your bed or shower. You can make a goal to walk outside everyday. As you regularly accomplish these smaller goals, you can work your way up towards larger goals. Goal setting can become a process that slowly leads you towards being more motivated and feeling happier with yourself and your life because you are achieving your goals.

Reward Your Efforts

As you set and accomplish your goals, you also need to reward yourself. This positive reinforcement will help you want to continue checking off your goals. Additionally, it’s just nice to reward yourself every once in a while. Everyone needs some recognition for their efforts. When you reward yourself for achieving your goals, make sure you give yourself rewards that are beneficial. Your rewards shouldn’t reinforce bad habits or hurt you financially. Come up with a list of rewards that will be easy to obtain and positive to introduce into your life.

Goal setting is a common practice and it can be very effective if you are dealing with depression. Even small goals can help you to feel better about things and it can help you to make more progress. 

Learn more about depression and how you can move forward.


How to Get Better Sleep for Mental Health

Getting quality sleep is beneficial for your health as a whole. However, if you have depression or other mental illnesses, it can be difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, and get enough sleep. You may need to do more in order to get the sleep you need, but it is absolutely essential to find what works for you.

Create the Right Environment 

In order to get better sleep, you need to start by creating a space where it’s easier for you to sleep. Start by creating the right environment in your room. The room you sleep in should be cold, dark, and quiet as these are optimal sleeping conditions. You can make your room dark by putting up black out curtains or you can sleep with an eye mask on to block out light. Sleeping with a fan on can help to keep the room cold and the white noise can help block out any other sounds. You can also create the right environment by investing in a quality mattress and pillow that suits your comfort level. 

Set Good Habits 

The habits you have throughout the day and before bed can have an impact on your sleep. One of the best ways to help you establish a good sleep schedule is to expose yourself to sunlight earlier in the morning. Seeing sunlight signals to your body that it’s time to wake up and this helps to set your circadian rhythm so then you will feel tired at the appropriate time in the evening. Exercising during the day can also tire you out so you feel ready for sleep at the end of the day. Before bed, make sure you do some relaxing activities like reading to help you get ready for bed. Avoid looking at bright lights, including the blue light from your phone, and avoid eating before bed. Both of these can make it difficult to fall asleep.

Consider Supplements 

While there is a lot you can do to help yourself fall asleep each night, sometimes you need some extra help. This is especially true if you are struggling with a mental illness. Taking certain supplements can help you to fall asleep at night. Melatonin supplements are commonly used because it triggers the hormone, melatonin, that makes you feel sleepy. Melatonin is not habit forming and is used for occasional sleeplessness. You could also use valerian root, magnesium, lavender and more. Always talk to your doctor and do thorough research before you begin taking a supplement. 

Depression and other mental health struggles can have a lot of influence on your health and this includes trouble sleeping. However, sleep can also significantly improve your mental health, so it’s important to find ways to get the sleep that you need. 

To help improve your depression, take a  Self-Assessment to see if TMS treatment can be helpful for you.


How Creativity Can Help Depression

When you are struggling with depression, there are many different treatments and therapies you can try. Additionally, you can find activities that help you manage your depression and overall mental health. Finding ways to be creative can help ease your depression symptoms and find helpful outlets. 

Calm Your Mind 

Many mental health struggles, like depression and anxiety, are accompanied by endless thoughts that can make it difficult to concentrate or even function throughout the day. Being creative is helpful because it gives your mind something to focus on so you are distracted by these thoughts. It can calm your mind and give you some peace. Being creative can also help to reduce your stress levels. When you are creative, your energy is focused on completing one task and it can provide your mind with relief. You can find a creative outlet in many ways including painting, drawing, sewing, pottery, writing, singing, playing music, etc.

Express Your Emotions

Often, it can be difficult to express exactly what you’re dealing with when you experience depression. You may not know how to express your feelings or people might not be able to understand. Creativity is a great way for you to express and process your emotions. Processing any trauma you’ve experienced is an important step in managing your depression. Being creative can give you an outlet to understand your own emotions and work through them. It also helps you find ways to communicate your emotions to other people. As you work through your emotions and find ways to express them, it can help to provide you with much needed relief. 

Boost Your Mood

The act of creating is simply one that makes you happy. When you are creative, you end up with a finished product that you can be proud of. This is a great way to improve your overall mood. Beyond having something to show for in the end, creating can also help you boost your mood in the moment. As you create, you feel happier and you get lost in the moment. You simply enjoy the task you’re doing. It’s important to find tasks that make you happy and allow you to enjoy the moment. 


There is no wrong way to be creative. You simply need to go out and find an activity that allows you to make something new. Creativity can be an excellent outlet for you that will allow you process your emotions and create healthy outcomes in your life. 


Learn more about depression and potential treatments. 


How to Build a Sense of Community When Struggling with Depression

Having a support system or community is an important aspect of managing your mental health. However, it can be difficult to build this community and you may not always be able to rely on those you have in the past. For your own benefit, you should find ways to build your own community. 

Join a Club or Group

To feel more connected to people, it can be helpful to share a common interest. When you share a common interest, it’s easier to have a discussion and to generally get along with people. There are many ways you can find people who share your interests. Joining a club or other similar group is a place to start. Examples of clubs include a book club or a community sports team. Everyone is there because they are interested in the same activity and you can all participate together. When joining clubs and groups, you can meet lots of new people and forge new friendships.

Take a Class

As you build your community, you might as well also build yourself. Taking a class to learn a new subject or skill is a great place to increase your sense of community because you are learning with other people. You also have the opportunity to help each other learn. You can form study groups or get together outside of class to work on the skills you are learning. You can take classes to receive some sort of certification, such as getting a real estate license, or you can learn a new skill in a cooking class. Find something that interests you and learn something new while getting to know other people in similar situations. 


One of the best ways to feel a sense of community and to simply feel good is by volunteering. When you volunteer you have the opportunity to help other people who are struggling. You feel intrinsically rewarded by helping others. Additionally, volunteering helps you to feel more connected to others. Volunteering allows you to get out of the house and be around other people. If you volunteer for the same things, you are likely to make friends and see familiar faces over time. 


Community is important, but sometimes it takes some effort on your part to build that community. There are many steps you can take to help you find your community. You may need to step outside your comfort zone, but it will all be worth it. 

Learn more about how you can manage your depression.