
Healthy Habits that Improve Mental Health

Whether you suffer from a mental illness, such as depression or anxiety, or you’re simply working through a low point in your mental health, there are habits you can form to help. Establishing healthy habits is a great approach to try before other treatments or medications or even in tandem with other treatments. These healthy habits will benefit your mental health and your body as a whole. 

Prioritize Quality Sleep

Due to busy schedules and the demands of life, sleep is often the first thing to be sacrificed. However, getting enough sleep and getting high quality sleep can greatly improve your mental health. During sleep, your body processes the day and it recuperates. It is also the time when many important processes in the body take place. Cutting back on sleep reduces all its positive benefits. To improve your mental health, you should make sure you are getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night. You also need to be mindful of the quality of your sleep. To get better sleep, try establishing a nightly routine. This helps signal your body that it’s time to sleep. Exercising during the day and getting exposure to sunlight early on can make it easier for you to fall asleep at night. 

Eat a Balanced Diet 

The foods you eat play a major role in your overall health. Everything you eat provides fuel for your body, so you need to make sure you are giving yourself the right fuel. For the sake of your mental health, you want to eat a balanced diet. This means you should be eating fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, etc. every single day. With a more balanced diet, you can make sure you are getting all the essential nutrients. All the food you eat will contain certain vitamins and minerals that can help your body as a whole, but they can also specifically impact your mental health. 

Make Time for Exercise 

It’s no secret that exercise is good for both your physical and mental health. When you exercise, your brain releases chemicals, called endorphins, that make you feel happy. Additionally, exercise can help you feel more energized and it can boost your body image and make you feel more productive. It’s important that you find ways to make time for exercise. Even 30 minutes a day can make a positive impact on your mental health. You can fit in a walk, incorporate exercise into your daily routine, or do a workout at home. Find ways to make it easy for you to get your body moving every day. 


Establishing healthy habits can help you improve your mental health. This can be especially beneficial if you have depression, anxiety, or any other kind of mental illness. These habits can set you on the right track as you explore other treatments. 


In addition to these habits, learn more about helpful treatments such as TMS therapy.

Frustrated young lady sitting on sofa, cuddling pillow, looking away at window. Lost in thoughts unhappy stressed millennial woman regretting of wrong decision, spending time alone in living room.

Disorders Beyond Depression that Benefit from TMS Therapy

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy is often used as a treatment for depression. This noninvasive therapy stimulates the brain cells in order to promote positive changes for depression patients. However, TMS can also be beneficial for other disorders and ailments.  


One of the other most common disorders that can be treated with TMS therapy is anxiety. Individuals with anxiety may experience an increased heartbeat, rapid breathing, feelings of nervousness, and trembling. In many cases, anxiety is associated with depression. There may be a comorbidity or the anxiety may be a result of depression. TMS therapy can treat depression which in turn eases the anxiety symptoms. However, further research has found that TMS therapy can be beneficial as a treatment for anxiety alone. With anxiety, there is usually an increase in cell activity within the brain. TMS therapy can help decrease this activity so you can feel relief from anxiety. Of course, if you are experiencing depression and anxiety, you can still receive treatment for them together. 


Obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD is a condition where an individual is highly concerned with order, cleanliness, or control. The symptoms vary from person to person and can impact you throughout life. Much like anxiety, OCD is associated with increased cell activity within the brain. TMS therapy can help to slow this activity and improve symptoms. Much like depression, TMS therapy is recommended to individuals with OCD who have not responded to medication or other treatments. Often, it is used to help those who have not seen any significant improvements through other means. 


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is often the result of experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Those who have PTSD may experience flashbacks of the event brought on by certain triggers. PTSD can last months to years and it varies between individuals. TMS therapy is helpful because it focuses on the prefrontal cortex in the brain. This is the area where you process fear. By targeting this area, TMS therapy can help ease the symptoms of PTSD. It also works well when paired with cognitive processing therapy. 


TMS therapy is sustained therapy aimed at helping you improve your mental health. While it is primarily targeted at treating depression, it can be used to treat other disorders as well. It may be worth your time to see how it may help you.

Discover if TMS is right for you!

Frustrated young lady sitting on sofa, cuddling pillow, looking away at window. Lost in thoughts unhappy stressed millennial woman regretting of wrong decision, spending time alone in living room.

Natural Ways to Ease Depression Symptoms

If you are experiencing depression, it’s important to find ways to treat your condition or to lessen the burden of your symptoms. While there are many treatments available, you can also ease the symptoms of depression through natural means. The added benefit is these methods will also positively impact your health as a whole.

Get More Sleep 

One issue that goes along with depression is insomnia or simply trouble falling asleep. Unfortunately, a lack of sleep can also be a contributing factor to depression. It may be difficult, but you need to make sure you are getting more sleep and improving your sleep quality. When you sleep, your body repairs itself and processes everything from your day. This time is vital to your immune system and your mental health. In order to improve your sleep, consider creating a nightly routine that will signal your body that it’s time to sleep. Make sure your room is cold, dark, and quiet and avoid using your phone before bed as the blue light stimulates your brain. If you struggle to fall asleep, you may be aided by taking a melatonin supplement.

Make Time to Exercise 

Many people struggle with fitting exercise into their day. However, it’s important to try to fit it in. Exercise is highly beneficial to your mental health for many reasons, but the biggest benefit is the endorphins your body releases during exercise. Endorphins are hormones in your brain that are often known as the “feel good hormone.” When your body releases endorphins, it can relieve pain and make you feel happy. Exercise is also a great way to help improve your body image and self-esteem which also contributes to addressing your depression. Not to mention, exercise benefits your body as a whole and it can help you to function better.

Prioritize a Nutritious Diet 

As people say, you are what you eat. In other words, your diet has a major impact on your body and this extends to your mental health. To alleviate your depressive symptoms, you need to prioritize getting all the necessary nutrients. For example, Vitamin D is a powerful nutrient that helps address symptoms of depression. Vitamin D comes from the sun, but it can also be found in many foods like oily fish, eggs, and fortified dairy products. Your diet should also contain antioxidants, selenium, and Omega-3 fatty acids. 


Although depression is a mental condition, your physical health will still have an effect. Taking care of your physical needs can help you ease your depression symptoms while also benefiting your entire body. Making an effort to improve these areas of your health can make a difference. 


Taking time to understand depression can help you on your mental health journey!

Young worried woman looking out of the window

How to Deal with Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression, or seasonal affective disorder, is a condition where people experience symptoms of depression at the same time every year. Typically, they feel depressed during the winter months when there is less sunlight. There are many unique ways you can manage seasonal depression. 

Light Therapy 

Since seasonal depression is linked to a decrease in sunlight exposure, light therapy is a commonly used treatment. You can purchase a light box that you can sit or work in front of. This box mimics the light from the sun and it is used to help boost your mood and energy levels. Light therapy works best with time and consistency. It can be started in fall when the days are more cloudy and you can continue it until spring. If there are more cloudy days throughout the year, it can also be helpful then. When using light therapy, you need to make sure the light can enter your eyes but don’t stare directly at it. The light will also not be effective just by exposing your skin to the light. 

Increase Vitamin D

Often, individuals with depression also have a deficiency of vitamin D. This essential vitamin is absorbed when exposed to sunlight and has even been called the sunlight vitamin. Without sun exposure, it’s common to have a deficiency of vitamin D. Often, individuals with depression also have a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D has been shown to help regulate your mood among many other wonderful benefits. If you are suffering from seasonal depression, then getting more vitamin D in your diet can help. Good sources include many fish such as salmon as well as fortified foods like milk and orange juice. Taking a vitamin D supplement is also an option. 

Establish Healthy Habits

Another great way to help manage seasonal depression is to establish a solid routine and some healthy habits. Having a routine/schedule can help you regulate many of the symptoms of seasonal depression. For example, many people struggle with getting to sleep and a schedule can help. Your seasonal depression can also be aided by maintaining a balanced diet and introducing more exercise into your routine. Even just 30 minutes a day can be helpful. 


There are many different types of depression including seasonal depression. Learning more about them and how to deal with symptoms can be beneficial. You can pursue a variety of treatment options until you find what works for you. 


Take time to learn more about depression.

Pensive african American woman look in distance thinking

How to Deal with Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression, or seasonal affective disorder, is a condition where people experience symptoms of depression at the same time every year. Typically, they feel depressed during the winter months when there is less sunlight. There are many unique ways you can manage seasonal depression. 

Light Therapy 

Since seasonal depression is linked to a decrease in sunlight exposure, light therapy is a commonly used treatment. You can purchase a light box that you can sit or work in front of. This box mimics the light from the sun and it is used to help boost your mood and energy levels. Light therapy works best with time and consistency. It can be started in fall when the days are more cloudy and you can continue it until spring. If there are more cloudy days throughout the year, it can also be helpful then. When using light therapy, you need to make sure the light can enter your eyes but don’t stare directly at it. The light will also not be effective just by exposing your skin to the light. 

Increase Vitamin D

Often, individuals with depression also have a deficiency of vitamin D. This essential vitamin is absorbed when exposed to sunlight and has even been called the sunlight vitamin. Without sun exposure, it’s common to have a deficiency of vitamin D. Often, individuals with depression also have a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D has been shown to help regulate your mood among many other wonderful benefits. If you are suffering from seasonal depression, then getting more vitamin D in your diet can help. Good sources include many fish such as salmon as well as fortified foods like milk and orange juice. Taking a vitamin D supplement is also an option. 

Establish Healthy Habits

Another great way to help manage seasonal depression is to establish a solid routine and some healthy habits. Having a routine/schedule can help you regulate many of the symptoms of seasonal depression. For example, many people struggle with getting to sleep and a schedule can help. Your seasonal depression can also be aided by maintaining a balanced diet and introducing more exercise into your routine. Even just 30 minutes a day can be helpful. 


There are many different types of depression including seasonal depression. Learning more about them and how to deal with symptoms can be beneficial. You can pursue a variety of treatment options until you find what works for you. 


Take time to learn more about depression.

Portrait of happy indian man smiling at home

Why Try TMS Therapy

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy, or TMS Therapy, is a treatment commonly used for depression and other related ailments. This therapy uses magnets to stimulate certain areas of the brain in order to treat symptoms of depression. There are many reasons to consider this treatment.

Looking for Non-Invasive, Non-Medication Treatment 

TMS therapy is a positive option because it is non-invasive. You don’t need to undergo surgery or any other kind of procedure. You simply wear a helmet and may experience slight pressure on the stimulation site. It is treated as an outpatient treatment and you can leave immediately after. In many cases, people may prefer to not rely on medication as a treatment for their depression. TMS is a great option in those cases because you don’t need to be taking any medication to prepare, recover, or benefit from TMS therapy.  

Experiencing Negative Side Effects from Antidepressants 

Many people will turn to TMS therapy because they are experiencing negative side effects of antidepressants. Some of these symptoms can include mild discomfort such as dry mouth, dizziness, or fatigue. However, some antidepressants can lead to insomnia, weight gain, nausea, and even anxiety. Turning to TMS therapy is a helpful way to treat your depression without all the side effects you experience from medication. With TMS, you may have minor side effects, such as a headache, but these side effects are mild and temporary. 

Nothing Else is Helping 

Depression really takes a toll on an individual and it can greatly affect their daily life. Seeking treatment is not only helpful, but necessary in most cases. There are many types of treatment available. Commonly, individuals with depression will be put on some type of antidepressant. There are also many types of therapy that patients will use. These therapies will help individuals talk through negative thought patterns, triggers, etc. Although there are many treatments, not every treatment will work for everyone. TMS may be an excellent option for you if nothing else you have tried is working. It can help provide you with the relief you have not been able to find elsewhere.


Helping you treat and handle your depression is an important step in caring for your mental health and helping you remove barriers in your daily life. As you look for ways to address your depression, you may want to consider TMS therapy. This therapy can help you overcome your depression and any obstacles that have prevented you from treating it previously. 


If you are wondering if TMS is for you, take a self assessment.

Back view of a woman walking in a pink flowered field

Mindfulness and Depression

There are a variety of treatments available for depression. Exploring different options can help you find the best fit. Mindfulness is a practice that many people find helpful and it can be a positive way for you to manage your depression. 

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a practice that is centered on experiencing the present moment including what your body is sensing and feeling. When you practice mindfulness, you simply acknowledge your thoughts and feelings without reacting to or judging them. Your main goal is to focus on being present. There are many different ways you can practice mindfulness. Commonly, people will practice mindfulness meditation to help them when they are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. It is a way to center yourself and relax. 

Benefits of Mindfulness

You can experience many benefits through practicing mindfulness. One of the most common benefits is a reduction of stress. Mindfulness helps you to learn how to experience the world around you without letting it overwhelm you. You can also use mindfulness to help you increase your focus and awareness of the world around you. The practice of mindfulness is all about approaching yourself with kindness and learning to process thoughts and emotions. Repeated practice can help you to manage your depression symptoms. 

How to Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness can be practiced in many different ways and you can choose to do it in any way that appeals to you. You can practice mindfulness with breathing exercises, eating mindfully, doing yoga, or focusing on a single task. Mindfulness meditation is the most common way to practice. To meditate, sit down in a comfortable position. Sit up tall, but not completely straight. Be aware of everything your body is doing. Keep your gaze focused on a spot on the floor. You can then simply sit and breathe. Try to clear your mind. If a thought does enter your mind, simply acknowledge it without judgement and let it pass. During your meditation, you can also do a body scan and mentally evaluate every part of your body and what you are feeling. Again, mindfulness can be personalized to the individual, so try anything that sounds interesting to you. 


Mindfulness is something that everyone is capable of doing. It simply takes practice to incorporate it into your life. As you practice mindfulness, you can help to address the symptoms of depression you may be experiencing. 

Learn more about depression and how to manage it.

TMS Therapy Overview

What Are TMS Therapy Side Effects?

With most treatments, there are typically side effects to consider. There are several TMS therapy side effects that you should take into consideration as well. Now is the perfect time to review both the good and bad side effects, so you feel more confident in making the right choice for your situation.

Good TMS Therapy Side Effects

  • A regulated mood that comes from stimulation to the prefrontal cortex.
  • Relief from depressive symptoms that are attained in about half the time as medication and/or psychotherapy.
  • Remission of depressive symptoms can be achieved in as little as four weeks of therapy.
  • Being free of the negative side effects (insomnia, weight gain, gastrointestinal distress, sexual dysfunction, etc.) that come from taking traditional antidepressant medications.
  • Feeling well balanced and able to return to usual activities right away.

Bad TMS Therapy Side Effects

  • Headaches are reported in about half of patients, but they are typically mild and temporary.
  • Some patients may feel irritating scalp sensations during treatment, but simple adjustments in coil position and stimulation levels usually reduces discomfort.
  • There may be a mild tapping sensation felt in the treatment area.
  • Lightheadedness, eye pain, toothache, and facial twitching are uncommon, but may occur. Again, stimulation settings can be adjusted to reduce these symptoms.
  • Since the TMS machine makes a loud noise, we supply earplugs to avoid any hearing issues.

There is a risk of seizure with TMS therapy, but it is extremely low, especially when up-to-date safety guidelines are followed.

More Context on the Side Effects of TMS Therapy

While both the good and bad side effects of TMS therapy are pretty straightforward, it can help to have some additional context of both sides when trying to decide if TMS therapy is the right option for you.

First, TMS therapy is a safe, non-systemic, and non-invasive solution to reducing or eliminating the symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder with a 6672.5% remission response rate. It is even effective for patients who have not had success with therapy or medication.

Second, the vast majority of patients do not experience the disturbing side effects of TMS therapy. Over-the-counter pain medication can provide relief to those who report only a mild headache or some discomfort on or near the stimulation site. Seizures are extremely rare and are estimated to take place in only one out of every 10,000 patients. 

Finally, it’s important to note that information presented here comes from scientific studies that measure probability- individual responses may differ.

It is important to note that Health Canada has deemed TMS as safe and effective for Treatment Resistant Depression. 

Get Your TMS Therapy Consultation Today!

If you want to love life again, but medication and psychotherapy aren’t working for you, it’s time to try TMS therapy. This very effective treatment can significantly reduce the symptoms of your Major Depressive Disorder when drug treatments don’t work or cause frustrating side effects.

Our welcoming and well-trained staff are ready to help you get started on your journey to recovery, so book your complimentary TMS therapy consultation today!

10 ways to be happy

How to Be Happy [10 Ways to Feel Happier]

Happiness looks different for everyone. For some, it could be being comfortable with who they are, while others attribute happiness to financial stability or job success. For many, happiness is about the little things: a good book, a delicious meal, or a beautiful view. 

But if you’ve asked yourself numerous times how to be happy in life, you’re not alone. According to Forbes, that question yields more than 6 billion search results on Google. If you’re looking for ways to feel happier in life, check out these 10 tips below.

  1. Express gratitude: Practising gratitude is one of the first steps in how to be happy. By focusing on what you have rather than what you don’t, your mindset becomes more positive, and you’re more thankful for the joy you do experience.
  2. Recognize your strengths: Spending all your energy focusing on your weaknesses or shortcomings won’t make you happy. Instead, focus on your strengths and let them lead you to new opportunities. You’ll feel less frustrated, more accomplished, and less stressed.
  3. Look for the good: Almost every book on feeling happy talks about the power of positive thoughts. Train your brain to search for the positive things or the silver linings in your circumstances. Doing so will help to decrease depression, frustration, and stress.
  4. Be kind: Life can be stressful and overwhelming at times, but there’s always time to be kind. Strive to be respectful and empathetic with everyone and show a little bit of kindness whenever you can.
  5. Exercise: The volume of scientific studies on how exercise helps you feel happier is astounding. It’s a scientific fact that exercise releases endorphins that increase happiness, relieve stress, and improve mental health.
  6. Declutter: Clutter in both your home and your brain are huge roadblocks to happiness. Take some time to declutter your personal space—get rid of anything you don’t need or that doesn’t bring you happiness. Then surround yourself with things that make you feel happy, organized, and put together.
  7. Find your purpose: We all want to feel like we’re making a difference in this world, but knowing exactly what type of impact we want to have can be overwhelming. However, taking the time to figure out what gives you a sense of purpose and accomplishment fills your life with greater meaning. Plus, it helps you feel happier and more fulfilled in life.
  8. Stop comparing: Comparison is a normal human reaction, but it usually does more harm than good. Whenever you’re comparing your finances, job title, education, clothing, physique, or talents, you’re robbing yourself of happiness. The good news is you can reclaim your happiness simply by not comparing yourself to others. Appreciate yourself for who you are, be grateful for the talents you have, and strive to live your best life every day.
  9. Make positive memories: Our brains are really good at remembering and focusing on bad memories but, with a little bit of practice, we can change that. Take the time to make positive memories. Go out with friends. Enjoy nature. Spend time with family. Filling your mind with uplifting experiences and memories can help to dispel the bad memories.
  10. Find clarity: One of the first steps to feeling happy is understanding why you’re feeling the way you are. Figure out what’s causing those negative emotions and work to change them. You may need to seek the help of a professional to help you find this emotional clarity.

If you’re struggling to feel happy in your life, contact TMS Clinics of Canada. Our warm and well-trained staff are committed to helping you take the steps to live a happier, more fulfilled life. Get started by taking our free assessment today!

Click here to take our self assessment test or request a complimentary consultation today by clicking here.

dealing with anxiety

How Do I Deal with Anxiety?

Does your heart start to race when you’re in stressful situations? Or do your thoughts start to race and your palms get sweaty when you’re in certain situations or facing specific tasks? That’s anxiety. Everyone has different triggers that create feelings of anxiety, but recognizing them is the first step in how to deal with anxiety.

However, recognizing and understanding these triggers can take some time. Luckily, you can do a few things to calm or ease anxious feelings and stop them from taking over. We’ll review 10 tips for dealing with anxiety below.

Stay in the Present

It’s easy to get caught up worrying about the future, but keep yourself in the present situation. Ask yourself: Am I safe? Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing? If you are, stay focused on that. Focusing on the present takes practice, but with time, you’ll learn to stop those distant scenarios from throwing you off track.

Deep Breathing

Rapid, shallow breathing is a natural reaction to anxiety. Continuing to breathe this way can worsen feelings of anxiety, so practice taking slow, deep breaths. Breathe in for four counts, then out for four counts; do this for a total of five minutes. Slowing down your breath helps to slow your heart rate, which reduces your anxiety.


Whether you go for a run, lift some weights, or do some sit-ups in your living room, exercise helps to release some of the tension you’re holding in your body. Plus, it can help distract you from anxious thoughts.

Avoid Sugar

Stress eating is a common way to deal with anxiety. You’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed, so you may think a candy bar or a bowl of ice cream will help you feel better. However, sugar has been found to exacerbate anxious feelings. When you’re feeling anxious, try drinking a glass of water or eating a piece of fruit. Healthy foods provide slow energy that helps your body recover from anxiety.

Check Your Thoughts

Many anxiety sufferers fixate on worst-case scenarios. If you’re someone whose thoughts always turn negative, stop and think about how realistic they are. For example, if you’re nervous about your first day at a new job, instead of thinking, “I’m not going to do well,” say: “They chose me for this job and I know I’m qualified for it.” 

Call a Loved One

Pick up the phone and text or call a friend or family member. Explaining what you’re feeling can help you recognize that you’re experiencing anxiety and pinpoint the source. Writing your worries and fears down can also help.

Do Something

When you feel those anxious thoughts start to take over, do something. Throw away that piece of paper on your desk, stand up and walk around, grab a healthy snack—anything that forces your brain to focus on something else.


A great way to deal with anxiety is to laugh. Watch a funny YouTube video, read a joke of the day online, or listen to a humorous podcast. Laughter goes a long way toward dispelling those anxious thoughts.


Clutter and poor organization can be a major source of anxiety for some. Creating a to-do list, organizing your workspace, or decluttering your room can help you feel more in control and relaxed.

Talk to a Professional at TMS Clinics of Canada

If your anxiety is severe enough that natural coping mechanisms aren’t working, you may need to talk to a doctor or mental health professional. TMS Clinics of Canada can connect you with the resources you need to learn how to deal with anxiety by identifying your triggers and managing them. We also provide options for treatment-resistant depression. Start living a happier life by taking our free assessment.

Click here to take our self assessment test or request a complimentary consultation today by clicking here.