
Sleep and Your Mental Health

Your whole life you’ve probably been told that sleep is important. It benefits your body physically in many ways. However, your sleep can also have a direct impact on your mental health as well. If you experience depression or any other kind of mental illness, then you need to understand how your sleep is affecting your mental well-being. 

How Sleep Affects Mental Health 

During sleep, your brain processes everything from your day including your experiences, emotions, new knowledge, etc. This is an essential function because this is when your brain evaluates everything and stores the information as memories. A lack of sleep disrupts this process and research has shown that it especially disrupts the positive content of your day. Without these positive experiences being processed, your mental and emotional state can continue to decline. While sleep problems have often been associated with mental illness, research has shown that it is both the result of mental illness as well as a potential cause for mental health struggles. Improving your sleep can help improve your mood and your overall symptoms. 

Changing Your Habits 

To change your sleep habits, you should start with your nightly routine. Consider including calming activities that lower your heart rate and give your body a chance to slow down. Taking a bath/shower, reading a book, or meditating are great options. Avoid anything that stimulates you. For example, staying off your phone an hour before is a good idea. Next, you need to create the right environment. A cool, dark, and quiet room is the ideal place to sleep. You can achieve this with blackout curtains, an eye mask, fans, noise machines, etc. Having the right environment will make it easier for you to sleep. Make sure you set aside 7-9 hours for sleep each night. 

Other Benefits of Improved Sleep 

While sleep is beneficial to your mental health, it can impact your body in several other ways. Getting adequate sleep has been linked to maintaining a healthy body weight. This is a physical benefit, but it can also improve your self-image and then impact your mental health as well. Your immune system is also improved with more sleep and you’re less likely to get sick. Better sleep also reduces your stress, helps you get along with others more, and it helps you to be more productive during the day. 

Struggling with depression or another mental illness can cause serious disruption to your daily routine. Getting better sleep is just one way you can improve your symptoms. Seeking treatment for your depression can help you find relief. 

TMS Clinics of Canada can provide you with a non-invasive treatment to provide lasting relief. Click here to learn more about TMS therapy.

Mental Health

Resolutions to Set for Your Mental Health 

As a new year begins, it’s natural to embrace new beginnings and set some goals for yourself. This year, make sure you consider your mental health as you make your resolutions. Goals centered on improving your mental health can help you improve many aspects of your life.  

Spend More Time with Loved Ones 

One of the best ways to improve your mood and your mental health is by surrounding yourself with things that make you feel good. Spending time with your loved ones allows you to be around people who value you and make you feel better and supported. This year, make an effort to spend more time with those you love. You can set weekly or monthly “appointments” with the people you care about so they become a part of your routine. Being around other people helps improve your mood and it can ease the symptoms of depression and other mental illnesses. 

Declutter Your Space and Life 

When you struggle with a mental illness such as depression or anxiety, your mind can feel cluttered, overwhelmed, or confused. To help relieve this feeling, you can declutter your physical space. As you clean and organize your space, you can begin to have more clarity in your mind as well. You can even imagine yourself clearing out your mind and putting everything in its rightful place. In addition to getting your space in order, you should organize your life as well. This can include making a schedule for yourself, letting go of obligations that overwhelm you, or even learning to set better boundaries for yourself. 

Improve Your Sleep

Lack of sleep can be detrimental to your mental health. You can see a decrease in productivity and mood. Getting more sleep and getting higher quality sleep can help you feel more refreshed, less stressed, and more energized. Start by creating a schedule that allows you to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. It’s ideal if these hours are all consecutive. To improve the quality of your sleep, you can get a better mattress or pillow. You can make your room more conducive to sleep. For the best sleep, you want to have a cool, dark, or quiet room. 

Your mental health has a major impact on all aspects of your life and it should be a top priority for you. Take some time to understand your current mental state and the patterns you see in your life. The more you understand about your mental health, the easier it will be to set adequate goals. 

Depression is a very common mental illness that can greatly disrupt your life. Click here to learn more about depression and potential treatments.


Non-Medication Types of Depression Treatments

For many people, taking medication is the most obvious treatment option for depression. However, medication may not work for everyone and some people prefer to avoid medication. Fortunately, there are plenty of options for non-medication treatment types that can help you manage your depression.

Lifestyle Changes 

Much like many other chronic conditions, lifestyle changes can make a big difference in the symptoms you see. For depression, it’s helpful to increase your exercise levels. Exercise releases endorphins, serotonin, and other chemicals that make you feel better. Adjusting your diet is also beneficial. When you eat foods full of nutrients, it gives your body what it needs in order to function and it boosts your energy levels. You can also improve your depression symptoms by getting plenty of sleep, increasing your social interactions, and reducing stress. 


Talking with others is a great way for you to process your symptoms and learn more about how to handle your depression. A therapist can give you tools to improve your symptoms and deal with depressive episodes. You can learn how to reframe your negative thinking, improve your social skills, and even process the root of your depression. You can learn what triggers your symptoms, how to handle them, and how to make changes that address the root of your depression. During therapy, you can also learn how to set healthy boundaries and handle stress more effectively. Psychotherapy or talk therapy can be done individually, in couples, or even in small groups. 

TMS Therapy 

With any other types of treatments, the work needs to be done by you. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy or TMS therapy is a treatment that physically addresses your depression symptoms. With this therapy, a helmet containing an electromagnetic coil is placed on your head. An electric pulse stimulates the part of your brain that regulates mood. Pulses help regulate communication within the brain. They pass painlessly through the brain. TMS therapy will improve your depression symptoms after repeated sessions and many patients see significant results after only four weeks. It’s a safe, comfortable, and non-invasive treatment. 

Depression treatments will not affect everyone in the same way. You should try a variety of treatments to see what works best for you. Combining several treatments may also help improve your symptoms. 

TMS therapy is a good option if other treatments have not been helpful. Click here to learn more about TMS therapy.


How to Talk to Others About Your Depression 

Talking with others about your depression is a great way to find support and give you someone to talk to about your struggles. However, it can be scary to take that first step of telling someone about what you’ve dealt with. To have a positive experience, you should take a moment to plan out how you will have the conversation.

Pick a Positive, Casual Environment 

When you tell someone else about your depression, you want to make sure you are both somewhere comfortable and positive. It’s a difficult discussion and the job is only made harder if either of you feels uncomfortable. In addition to a positive, comfortable environment, you also want to keep things casual. For example, you can tell your friend or family member while you’re out on a walk or performing a task together at home. A casual environment can help to lighten the topic a little.

Answer Questions 

If people don’t understand depression very well or if they have not experienced it themselves, then they’ll likely have questions. Allow your friend or family member to ask you questions and be open about answering them. Doing so opens a dialogue between the two of you and it will be easier for both of you to communicate in the future. You can feel comfortable coming to them about your struggles and they can feel comfortable asking you more questions about mental health or your own experiences. 

Create Boundaries 

For those who don’t have depression, it can be difficult to recognize how their behavior impacts those who do. During your discussion, it’s helpful to set some healthy boundaries. You can discuss certain behaviors that might trigger your depression symptoms. You can also explain what things are helpful to you and what things might make it worse. People are better equipped to help you with your mental health struggles if they understand what you expect and need from them. 

It’s hard to open up to others about your mental health challenges, but it can help you better address your depression. Take some time to think about what you want to say and maybe even write down a few points. Involving others can help you improve your symptoms and work through your depression. 

Depression can be hard for some people to understand. Click here to access resources from TMS Clinics of Canada about depression. 


Things to Consider When Looking for a Therapist

If you’re struggling with mental health challenges such as depression or anxiety, working with a therapist can help you find helpful strategies for dealing with symptoms and improving your mental health as a whole. Not everyone will benefit from the exact same care, so looking for a therapist is a very individualized endeavor. As you search, there are a few things for you to keep in mind. 

Experience With Treating Your Concerns 

There are many mental health conditions and thus mental health professionals will specialize in different areas. When looking for a therapist, you want to find someone who is equipped to handle your specific challenges. Look out for therapists who specialize in your area of concern. You can even turn to someone who has experience with your condition. If you go to someone who is not familiar or experienced with your condition, it can be challenging as they are learning about your condition at the same time you’re trying to get help. You’re more likely to find solutions from someone who already understands what you’re going through. 

Cost and Availability 

While therapy is an excellent solution for anyone struggling with their mental health, it can be very expensive. This financial burden can actually worsen some of your symptoms. You don’t want the thing that’s supposed to be helping you to become a challenge as well. When searching, try to find affordable options for you. You can gain access to therapy through certain organizations and you can even find discounted therapy via your job, school, etc. Before signing up with a therapist, you should also inquire about fees and additional costs you might encounter. In addition to looking at the cost, you also need to look at availability. Many therapists don’t have openings immediately and you may be put on a waiting list. If you need immediate help, you need to make availability a priority for you. Talk with potential offices about when there is availability including start dates and frequency of appointments.

Treatment Available 

Again, there is a lot of variety in the realm of mental health and this includes a variety of available treatments. Not all therapists will treat you in the same way. They have individualized methods that they find effective. You want to find a therapist that has a treatment that appeals to you. For example, therapists can offer individual therapy, group therapy, etc. and you want to find options that work for you. 

Finding the right therapist for you might take some time, but it is a worthwhile endeavor. You want to find someone who will specifically address your needs and give you care that is specific to you. Take your time and prioritize your needs. 

Mental health challenges affect people differently, but there are still some commonalities. Click here to learn more about depression and potential treatments available at TMS Clinics of Canada. 


Dealing With Feelings of Loneliness 

It’s normal to experience loneliness from time to time. However, if you also have depression, it can heighten the feelings of loneliness. In addition to receiving treatment for depression, there is a lot you can do to help you deal with loneliness. 

Join Groups or Clubs 

To overcome loneliness, you need to feel more connected to other people. You can begin by reaching out to friends and family to help you stay connected. In order to have more consistent connections, you can consider joining groups or clubs based on your hobbies or interests. For example, if you like a certain sport, you can join a sports team and form friendships with your teammates. If you enjoy cooking, you can take a cooking class. When you join groups and clubs, you surround yourself with people who already share at least one thing in common with you and you can begin building friendships from there. 


Another great way to spend time around other people is through volunteering. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities. You can work at a soup kitchen, a food collection bank, a homeless shelter, and more. These are great ways for you to serve those who are less fortunate. Doing so will make you feel good and give you the opportunity to spend time with other like-minded individuals. If you aren’t sure where to start, try contacting local charities or nonprofit organizations–or even organizations you care about, like schools, sports complexes, or your local library. There are always plenty of ways to help out! 

Practice Self Care 

While loneliness typically stems from a lack of interaction with others, it can actually be soothed by self-esteem-boosting and self-care practices. Practicing self-care helps you become more emotionally independent, inoculating you from some of the effects of loneliness or feelings of rejection. As often as necessary, take the time to treat yourself. This could include anything from cooking yourself a nice meal to going out for a walk. Self-care also involves taking care of your basic needs. Make sure you’re eating well and getting plenty of sleep each night. Put aside time to exercise and get your body moving. Physical activity has been shown to improve people’s mood, overall health, and self-image. 

To help you overcome your loneliness, you should try several different methods. Not everything works for everyone, so you need to find the right solution for you. Often, you need to proactively get out of your shell to disperse the loneliness. If your feelings of loneliness seem to be causing symptoms of depression, get professional treatment as soon as possible. 

TMS therapy is a safe and effective treatment for depression. Click here to learn more about depression and the treatment available at TMS Clinics of Canada!


How to Prepare For Seasonal Depression 

While many people will often refer to “depression” as a general term, there are actually several types of depression. Seasonal depression is a type of depression that typically affects people more during the fall and winter months when there is less sunlight. If you experience seasonal depression, it’s helpful to begin preparing and planning ways to take care of yourself.

Spend Time Outside 

Since seasonal depression is largely tied to the lack of sunlight during the winter months, you need to prioritize spending time outdoors. Sun exposure benefits your body in several ways. It balances your melatonin levels so you can get adequate sleep. It also increases your vitamin D and serotonin levels. During the winter, find reasons to go outside every day. You can exercise outside, go on walks, or simply sit outside in the sun. Many people have found that simply being in the sun helps to relieve the symptoms of their seasonal depression. 

Take Care of Your Body 

No matter the type of depression you suffer from, certain healthy habits are bound to help you improve your symptoms. Eating a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins gives your body the nutrients it needs in order to function well. It’s also important to get adequate exercise each day. Generally, 30 minutes of moderate exercise is sufficient. Exercise releases endorphins which help to improve your mood and exercise as a whole strengthens your body. Lastly, you need to make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep. During sleep, your body recharges and recovers from the day. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night should be your goal. 

Try Light Therapy 

Going outside in the sun is a great way to improve your seasonal depression symptoms. However, you can also use light therapy as a treatment or to supplement your time outside. Light therapy uses bright lights that simulate sunlight. Exposure to these lights helps improve mood. Typically, you only need to sit in front of this light (without staring directly at it) for 30-45 minutes a day. Consistent use of light therapy can improve your symptoms throughout the winter. 

Dealing with depression can make many daily activities significantly harder. While seasonal depression is still a challenge, you do have the benefit of anticipating it. You can take time to prepare for the winter and make a plan for how you’ll address your symptoms. 

Understanding more about depression can help you deal with your own situation. Click here to learn more about depression and explore the benefits of TMS therapy as a treatment. 


What To Do During a Panic Attack 

People experience panic attacks differently, but many agree on the intense and sudden feelings of anxiety. A panic attack can also be accompanied by physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, shaking, rapid heartbeat, nausea, and more. If you are experiencing a panic attack, it can be frightening, but there are things you can do to help you calm down. 

Breathing Exercises 

One of the first methods people use to calm down from an anxiety attack is practicing breathing exercises. When you focus on your breathing it allows you to be present and mindful of the current moment. Breathing also helps to ease the physical symptoms of a panic attack. Many people recommend breathing in for a count of four, holding it, and then breathing out for a count of eight. This controlled breathing helps you to slow your heart rate and calm your body down. There are many variations of breathing exercises you can try until you find one that best suits you. 

5-4-3-2-1 Method 

Another way to ease a panic attack is by grounding yourself in the present moment. The 5-4-3-2-1 method does just that. Start by listing out five things you can currently see. Then list four things around you that you can touch. List out three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. Doing this helps you focus on what’s going on around you and it can distract you from whatever was causing you to panic. You can repeat this method as many times as you need to to help you stay calm and recover from the feelings of anxiety. 

Walk and Move Around 

If you’re having a panic attack, it’s also helpful for you to walk and move around rather than just sit in one place. Walking around can help you feel more removed from a stressful environment because it allows you to move away. Walking and other rhythmic motion can help to steady your breathing and encourage you to focus. You might also consider doing yoga or other gentle movements to help you through your panic attack.

Since panic attacks affect everyone differently, you may need to try several different strategies to find what works for you. It’s best to use multiple strategies in case one doesn’t help initially. Finding treatment for your anxiety can also lessen the number of attacks you have or help you find constructive ways of handling them. 

TMS therapy is a great treatment option for individuals who haven’t found success with other methods. Click here to learn more about how TMS Therapy can help you. 


Depression and Time Management 

When you’re experiencing depression, it can make it difficult to find motivation. You may feel overwhelmed. Managing your time is likely one of the most difficult things for you to manage. Fortunately, there are several things you can try to help you improve your time management. 

Start Small 

The best thing you can do is to start off with small steps and goals. You don’t want to further overwhelm yourself by trying to tackle too much at once. Setting a few small goals is a good place to start. As you set goals, make sure they are achievable and include a plan for how to reach your goals. Some good starter goals might include creating a to-do list for each day or making a goal to create a schedule. If even these tasks seem too daunting, start by working on one task each day and build up more tasks over time. Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t make a lot of progress at first. It takes time to improve your time management skills. 

Create a Routine 

It’s easier to manage your time if you have a routine to follow each day. If you have no structure, then time slips by and you don’t accomplish as much. A routine can help you keep track of time and you can have designated times for every task. Again, starting off small is a good first step. Establish a routine that involves a few tasks each day. They can be simple, like making your bed each morning, going for a walk at the same time every day, or having set hours when you’ll get some work done. Your routine can be as simple or detailed as you choose. It all depends on your own needs. 

Learn to Say No

Another reason people become overwhelmed is that they are simply taking on too much at once. This may be a result of feeling guilty for not doing certain things. However, your mental health needs to be a priority too. Learning to say no is important. This sets healthy boundaries for yourself. You can determine what things you actually need to be doing and what you can afford to say no to. Don’t let guilt drive your actions. If you will be overwhelmed by certain tasks, then turn them down. 

Time management is a skill that many people struggle with. Those with depression can be especially overwhelmed by trying to manage their time. Finding small ways to make it easier can help. 

Is your depression making daily activities difficult? Click here to learn about the benefits of TMS therapy for depression. 


Coping with Depression While In School 

Depression can make any daily activities difficult. If you’re in school, your depression can hinder your ability to study, focus in class, or have the motivation to work. Finding ways to cope with your depression can help you to be successful in school. 

Practice Mindfulness 

Mindfulness is the practice of focusing on the present moment and everything that is going on around you. This practice is especially helpful for people suffering from depression. Those with depression are often overwhelmed by thoughts from the past. Focusing on the present moment can provide relief and help you find a more positive outlook. It’s also helpful to practice mindfulness while in school because it allows you to take a break from any stressors you may be experiencing. Examples of mindfulness include breathing exercises, meditation, or focusing on all five senses. 

Find ways to Manage Stress

School can cause a great deal of stress as you try to manage all your classes and the work you need to do. This amount of stress coupled with depression can make it difficult to cope. Finding ways to manage your stress should become a priority. You may not be able to remove your stressors, but you can find ways to get relief from your stress. Take a walk, listen to some relaxing music, or do activities you enjoy. Everyone relieves stress in different ways, so find effective activities for yourself. Balancing out the stressful nature of being a student with some stress-relieving activities can allow you to manage your depression. 

Improve Your Physical Health 

While depression is a mental condition, your physical health plays a major role. You should make it a priority to improve your physical health. Getting plenty of sleep is essential. You should aim to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. It’s also good to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. When you look after your physical health, it improves your overall health. 

While in school, it’s difficult to manage everything and depression only makes it harder. Start by finding little ways you can manage your depression. Making little changes can vastly improve your symptoms and help you still succeed while in school. 

Are you looking for ways to improve your depression? Click here to learn about TMS therapy and see if it is an effective treatment option for you.