
Dealing with Depression at Work 

Many people deal with depression and unfortunately, it gets in the way of many daily activities. While at work, you may wonder how you can address your depression and keep it from affecting your performance. There are several things you can do to improve your experience. 

Acknowledge Your Depression 

The first thing you should do is acknowledge your depression. You need to recognize that it’s there and you need to acknowledge the severity of it. If you ignore your depression or push it to the side, then it can only make your symptoms worse. Acknowledging your depression can be done in different ways. To start off, you can simply acknowledge it on your own. Recognize its symptoms and how it’s affecting your work. You can also bring it up to other people. These people might include your boss or supervisor, trusted coworkers, or anyone else who can help you. When you talk about your depression with others, it can allow them to be more understanding when your depression impacts your performance and they can provide you with support. 

Seek Help 

When you’re dealing with any kind of physical ailment, you seek medical attention. The same should go for mental illness as well. If you want to get relief from your depression, then you should seek help from a professional. You might start off by seeing a doctor and being prescribed antidepressants. Talking with a therapist may also benefit you. In fact, your job may even allow you better access to professional help. Talk with your boss and see if there is any help available through your job that can be offered at a discount. 

Schedule Time Away 

Mental illness is experienced differently by everyone, but one common method for finding relief is giving yourself a break. When possible, you should schedule time away from work and the stress it comes with. Your time away can be a week-long vacation or even just a weekend away. If you aren’t able to take time off, then you can simply be more intentional with your time outside of work. You can be sure to set aside time each day where you don’t think about work or you can designate a day on the weekend where you will do something fun that you love. Additionally, you can make sure you get plenty of small breaks throughout the day to give you relief. 


Your depression doesn’t need to hold you back in your career. There are lots of ways you can still work well even when depressive symptoms pop up. Begin trying different methods to help you deal with your depression while working. 

While depression affects people differently, there is still a lot that most people experience. Click here to learn more about depression. 


Recovering from Cumulative Stress

Throughout life, you might experience periods where stress builds up over a long time. This might occur while in school, at work, or during certain life events. When dealing with cumulative stress, it’s common to feel overwhelmed and at a loss for what to do. Finding ways to relieve this stress is important. 


Whether you’re in the middle of a long-term stressful period or coming out on the other side, you need to give yourself time to relax. Your mind and body need a break from the stress you are experiencing. Relaxing can be as simple as taking a nap or sitting down for a while. However, you should also actively engage in relaxing activities. Examples might include painting, going for a walk, listening to music, or reading a book. Do activities that make you happy and allow your body to relax. If you keep pushing yourself too hard without relaxing at all, you can experience burnout and it can make your symptoms much worse.


Another important way to deal with stress is to allow yourself to detach from whatever is stressing you out. For example, if you are stressed out because of work then you need to purposefully take time away from work. When you’re at home, don’t check your email or answer work-related messages. Don’t engage in any projects or work-related tasks. Take your time at home to focus on being at home. Spend time with those you love and do activities you enjoy. Apply these same principles to whatever causes you stress. Don’t let it constantly consume your mind or your life. Give yourself breaks and allow yourself to detach from it regularly. 


Cumulative stress can lead you to feel like you have no control over your life. You can feel weighed down and overwhelmed. To help you combat this, you need to find ways to give yourself more control. You might not be able to control your situation, but you can control other things. For example, you can take control by learning and mastering a new skill. You can choose how to spend your time when you’re away from work or school. You can choose what to eat or what to wear. Start by making a list of the things that you are in control of and this can help you to feel more in control overall. 

As stress builds up over time, it can make it harder to overcome it or deal with it. Taking small steps each day can help you to feel more relief and begin to deal with your cumulative stress. In addition to taking steps on your own, it’s also worth it to reach out for help when needed. 

Stress can often be linked to depression. Click here to learn more and explore potential treatment options. 


How to Calm Down When Feeling Anxious 

Anxiety can make it very difficult to handle daily tasks. It can disrupt your life and it’s important to find ways to help you handle it. One of your first approaches can be trying to help you feel calmer when your anxiety sets in. 


Your first step in helping you calm down is to breathe. Breathing is extremely helpful because deep, controlled breathing delivers more oxygen to the brain. This stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which helps your body to relax and feel calmer. When you’re feeling anxious, you can try some breathing exercises to help you feel calmer. There are specific exercises you can try or you can simply focus on taking several deep breaths. It can also be helpful to do some focused breathing every day. Regularly doing this can help you to feel calmer and feel less stressed in the long run. 

Label and Acknowledge Your Feelings 

When you’re feeling anxious, it can make things worse if you try to push down or suppress your feelings. Instead, you need to acknowledge them. When you are feeling anxious, take a moment to label these feelings and recognize them for what you are. Accepting your feelings can make it easier to process them. You can label your feelings to yourself and this can be enough to help you acknowledge them. You could also talk with a friend or trusted individual and explain what you’re feeling. 

Release Your Feelings 

Once you’ve labeled and accepted your feelings, you then need to release them. Expressing your feelings is important because it allows you to process them and move on from them. Otherwise, your brain can send your body into fight or flight mode and you end up holding onto the stress and other negative emotions. There are plenty of ways to release your feelings and express yourself. Often being creative is a helpful method. You could also do something physical like going for a walk or playing a sport. It’s important to find the best way for you to release your feelings. 

Everyone experiences anxiety in their own way. If you experience it, then you should find ways that are most effective for you. Helping yourself to feel calmer is an excellent place for you to start. 

Are you looking for ways to handle your anxiety? Click here to learn more about TMS therapy as a possible treatment. 


3 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health

Everyone knows it’s important to take care of your physical health in ways such as exercising or eating healthy. However, your mental health needs just as much attention. Taking time to care for your mental health will enable you to live a more balanced and enjoyable life. 

Talk About Your Feelings 

As you begin taking care of your mental health, one of the most natural places to start is talking about your feelings. The simple act of acknowledging your feelings and getting them out is a great way to process your emotions and ease any mental health struggles you may have. To start, you might want to find someone you trust and discuss your feelings with them. 

If you aren’t comfortable talking to someone else about your feelings yet, you can express them in other ways. Writing in a journal, for example, is a great way to process your emotions while also keeping them private. The important thing to do is to recognize your feelings, validate them, and express them. As healthy methods of handling your emotions, these habits can improve your mental wellness. 

Do Activities You’re Good At

Some mental health struggles are related to self-esteem and self-image. If you want to improve your self-esteem, then you should engage in activities that you know you’re good at. For example, if you can play an instrument or if you’re good at a certain sport, these activities can help you feel better about yourself. These activities are ones that you enjoy and they boost your self-confidence because you do them well. 

It’s not prideful to choose to do things just because you’re good at them. It’s simply a way to help you feel more satisfied with yourself and add some more enjoyment to your day. As you do activities you are already good at, you might consider trying some new things to discover other healthy activities you can turn to in the future. 

Take a Break 

When you’re feeling sick, you take time off to rest. Why shouldn’t that be the same for mental health concerns? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, deeply stressed, or your mental health is making it difficult to get through the day, then you should take a break. Pause and step away from everything for a bit. You can take small breaks throughout the day to help you recover or you can even give yourself a “mental health day.” The simple act of giving yourself time away from the stresses of life can help fortify you to keep going.  

Your mental health is an important aspect of your overall health and it needs to be taken care of. Make sure you take some time to care for it throughout the day and throughout your life. Everyone has different experiences, so it may take time to discover the best ways to care for your mental health. 

Have you been recently diagnosed with depression? Click here to learn more and discover potential treatment options. 


Dealing with Burnout 

Whether you’re working, in school, or involved in some other activity, it’s common to face burnout. Sometimes life can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to keep up with your responsibilities. This is especially true if you also struggle with depression or another mental illness. Learning how to deal with burnout can make your experience much easier. 

Identify Your Stressors 

Often burnout occurs because of overwhelming amounts of stress. To combat this, you should start by identifying what exactly causes your stress. Your stressors might include certain activities or tasks. They could also be people, places, or certain situations. As you go through your day, take note of what things cause you the most stress. Moving forward you can do your best to avoid these things. In some cases, you may find it helpful to talk to others so they can help you avoid these stressors or create situations where it’s easier to manage them. 

Set Boundaries 

Another reason burnout occurs is that you are taking on too much all at once. It’s common for people to do more than they can handle because they are trying to meet others’ expectations or because they feel they need to. In order to avoid burnout, you need to set some boundaries for yourself. A good example would be to separate your work and home life. Don’t bring your work home with you. Other boundaries might include saying no to certain tasks or giving yourself breaks throughout the day. Evaluate your daily schedule and see where you could create some better boundaries for yourself. 

Create a Support System 

When you’re facing burnout, you don’t need to handle it all on your own. The pressure of your responsibilities can seem even larger when you handle them alone. It’s important to find a support system for yourself. This support system can include friends, family, coworkers, and anyone else who can aid you throughout the day. You can depend on them to talk about what overwhelms you or to help you lighten your load. Determine what you need and see if your support system can help. 

Burnout is a major challenge and it can leave you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and hopeless. While it can’t always be avoided, there are things you can do to lessen the effects. If you struggle with burnout, take some time to determine how you can best fight it. 

Dealing with depression can make burnout more taxing. Click here to learn more about depression and potential treatment options. 


How the Summer Affects Your Mental Health

Throughout the year, your mental health can be heavily affected by the changes in the seasons. While winter is often associated with seasonal depression, the summertime is a season when mental health often improves. It can lead to a boost in your mood for several reasons. 

More Vitamin D Exposure 

For many struggling with depression, it’s common to have vitamin D deficiency. Getting plenty of vitamin D is essential for your physical health but it also greatly benefits your mental health. It can lead to an improved mood and it can also help alleviate depressive symptoms. To get more vitamin D, people turn to reinforced foods, such as milk, or they will take vitamin D supplements. Fortunately, the summer is a time when you can naturally get more vitamin D exposure because of the increased amount of sunlight. Spending plenty of time outside during the summer allows you to get more sunlight and more vitamin D exposure. 

More Physical Activity 

In the summer, people tend to engage in more physical activity because the weather is much nicer. Getting more physical activity improves your mental health in many ways. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins which are a chemical in your brain that boost your mood and make you feel good. Regular exercise helps to improve your mood and mental health over time and it can help you to alleviate any depressive symptoms. Take advantage of the time you have in the summer to be more active. 

Better Weather 

One of the main reasons people experience better mental health in the summer is simply because of the nice weather. It’s warmer, and sunnier, and there are fewer instances of extreme weather. It’s simply a more pleasant time and it makes most people happy to spend time out in the better weather. If you’re experiencing depression or any other mental illness, then consider spending some time outside. The good weather can help you boost your mood and give you a chance to take a break from the stress of life. 

The summer is often associated with good times and happy moods. During the summer you can engage in lots of fun activities and take advantage of the sunshine. This summer, find out what helps to improve your mood and your depressive symptoms. 

Do you suffer from depression? Click here to learn more about depression and potential treatment options. 


3 Ways to Manage Your Anxiety 

Suffering from anxiety can make it difficult to manage daily life. Fortunately, there are ways to address your anxiety symptoms and doing so can make a major difference. It’s worth exploring a few options to see what works best for you. 

Take a Step Back 

If you’re feeling anxious, then one thing you can try is taking a step back from everything and giving yourself a break. Life is stressful on its own, but paired with anxiety it can be even more difficult. Every once in a while, take some time to do an activity that allows you to step away from everything for a while. You could try yoga or painting. You can go for a walk or watch a comforting movie. Giving yourself a break from everything gives your mind a chance to relax and focus on something that doesn’t cause any worry. 

Be Involved with Your Community 

Another way to relieve the stress of anxiety is keeping yourself busy in your community. Give yourself something to do by volunteering or participating in clubs or sports teams. When you participate more in your community, you open yourself up to a larger support system. You have more people you can rely on when you need help and you can feel more fulfilled in your life. When you’re involved, you also have something to occupy your time and it can also give you something to look forward to. 

Focus on What You Can Control 

One of the biggest struggles that comes with anxiety is feeling out of control. You don’t know what will happen in the future and often this can lead to you feeling paralyzed. In these moments, it’s helpful to instead focus on the things that you can control. You need to accept that not all things are within your control and when you let go of these things, you can feel more at peace. For example, say you have a meeting you need to attend that is stressing you out. You can’t control what will happen in that meeting. However, you can control when you get to the meeting, what you will wear to the meeting, how you prepare for it, and so on. If you feel anxious or worried about something, acknowledge what is and isn’t in your control and act accordingly. 

Anxiety can be a major inhibitor in your life, but it doesn’t need to stop you in your tracks. Begin trying different methods for managing your anxiety to see what works well for you. Everyone will benefit from different methods.

If you’re still concerned about your anxiety, explore different treatment options. Click here to learn more about TMS therapy and how it may help you. 


The Benefits of Journaling for Your Mental Health 

When it comes to mental health, everyone will have different methods for handling their symptoms. One method that works for a lot of people is keeping a journal. This journal can act as a record for your mental health as well as a tool to process your symptoms. 

Express Yourself 

Your emotions are very complicated and it’s not helpful to ignore them or keep them to yourself. You need to express your emotions because it helps you process them and work through them. A journal is an excellent opportunity for you to express yourself. You can write out all of your emotions, thoughts, feelings, etc. in your journal. Keep in mind that your journal is just for you. No one else needs to ever see it. Because of this, you need to make sure you are completely honest with yourself and don’t censor anything. Let out all your honest thoughts and emotions. The longer you do this, the more you have a chance to look back and reflect on any changes. 

Analyze and Understand Your Mental Health 

Your journal will act as a record for you and it can let you have a wider perspective of your mental health. Every once in a while, you should take the chance to go back through your journal and see what patterns exist. Looking at these patterns can help you identify any triggers you have as well as see what may be influencing your mental health. Doing this allows you to understand yourself better and you can continue making changes and adjustments to your mental health treatment based on this information. 

How to Journal

The goal for journaling is to be consistent. It’s helpful to do it every day, but this may not be feasible. Don’t get discouraged if you miss a day. Focus on writing in your journal as often as possible. You also don’t need to create any rules for your journal. There’s no need to have a specific structure or method. Just write what you feel. You can also draw if that is helpful to you. Whenever you write, focus on making it a relaxing experience and a chance for you to destress. 

Keeping a journal is an effective way to manage your mental health and many people have found success with this method. It’s worth exploring it for yourself to see if it can help you as well. 

Are you looking for other ways to manage your depression or anxiety? Click here to learn about TMS therapy and see if it might be a solution for you. 


How do I Know if TMS Therapy is for Me?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS therapy, is a type of depression treatment that uses magnetic fields to stimulate the brain. This treatment is non-invasive, safe, and can lead to long-term improvement. Before undergoing TMS therapy, it’s important to determine if it is the best option for you. 

Other Treatments Aren’t Helping 

One of the main reasons people turn to TMS therapy is simply because other treatments aren’t working. People may take antidepressants in order to address their depression. However, medication works differently for everyone. Antidepressants may not be the most effective treatment and they may not be helping as much as you had hoped. Typically, your doctor will have you try several different medications before trying a new therapy. If your first medication doesn’t work for you, try other options your doctor recommends first. People may also engage in different types of therapy to treat their depression. Therapy is a wonderfully beneficial tool. However, much like medication, it impacts people differently. Therapy may not be an effective treatment for you.  If your current treatment isn’t working for you, then it may be time to consider other options. 

You Aren’t Able to Take Other Treatments

Unfortunately, some individuals are unable to take medications. They may have an illness that prevents them from taking antidepressants and so they need a non-medication treatment to try. Additionally, some people are hypersensitive to medication and their body may reject it. In these cases, TMS therapy can be very beneficial because it is non-invasive. When undergoing TMS therapy, you simply wear a specially designed helmet and sit while the magnets do the work. Typically you will need several treatments to see results. With this type of therapy, you can overcome the obstacles that other treatments may have. 

When You Shouldn’t Do TMS Therapy 

While there are many reasons to do TMS therapy, there are also situations where you should not. Many of these reasons are related to your medical history. If you have any implanted medical devices in or around your head, then TMS therapy is not safe for you. If you have a history of neurological disorders, head injuries, or epilepsy, then TMS therapy may not be safe for you. 

Overall, TMS therapy can be a great relief to those struggling with depression, and can lead to lasting results. Consider your situation and determine if TMS therapy will benefit you.

What to learn more? Click here to see if TMS therapy is right for your situation. 


The Importance of Staying Connected When Depressed

Depression is a difficult condition to deal with and it is made even more difficult when you handle it on your own. In order to improve your symptoms, you need to ensure you have a support system and keep yourself connected. Having connections helps to keep you grounded and your friends and family can help you work through things. 

Why People Isolate 

When dealing with ongoing depression or going through a depressive episode, many people have a tendency to pull back from others and isolate themselves. People isolate for different reasons. They might not want to burden others with their problems. They may also feel more moody and prefer to spend time alone. However, isolating can often exacerbate depression symptoms. For example, if someone is feeling depressed and lonely then isolating themselves will make them feel more lonely and in turn more depressed. Having connections and engaging with those around you can help pull you out of negative cycles and give you the support you need as you work through symptoms. 

The Importance of Connection 

You’ve probably heard it many times, but it is human nature to want to be around other people and stay connected. Having connections originally began as a necessary part of survival, but that instinct has lasted through time. Being connected helps you to feel more safe, supported, and helped. When you’re around others, it also helps you to become more resilient and you learn how to cope with problems. One way that connection helps is through sharing your experiences. You can unburden yourself and also hear what others have gone through. You can learn about different coping strategies and apply methods that others have used to work through their own experiences. 

How to Reach Out 

Although you may not be in the best mindset to reach out to others, it’s an important first step. It may be the ideal to have others reach out to you, but if you’re struggling it’s often on your shoulders to reach out to others. You can contact close friends and family to ask for support or to simply spend time with. In fact, you don’t even need to explain everything you’re going through if you aren’t comfortable. Just being around others helps to make you feel better. Additionally, you can try building your community in other ways by attending classes, joining in activities you’re interested in, volunteering, and more. 

Many people struggle with depression and it can be a heavy weight in your life. That weight can be made lighter when you have other people to rely on. As you work through depression symptoms, make an effort to stay connected with others. 

Understanding your condition can help you learn how to best cope with it. Click here to learn more about depression and potential treatments.